

The new 'Maria Letizia Verga Center' was created in 2013 to house the Pediatric Hematology department of the San Gerardo Hospital of Monza and the ever-expanding activities of the Maria Letizia Verga Committee’s Tettamanti Research Center for childhood leukemia. The independent construction, located on the side of the San Gerardo Hospital of Monza, which combines research and care to guarantee maximum efficiency.

• 4 floors
• 7,700 total square meters
• The new and larger Research Center on childhood leukemia and hemopathies
• A new bone marrow Transplant Center
• Recovery department with individual rooms
• Day Hospital
• Welcome and common areas to improve the quality of patients’ stays

The new 'Maria Letizia Verga Center' is a further demonstration of Monza’s standing as a European hub of excellence for childhood leukemia. The building was financed and created by private parties and, thanks to a special agreement with the Lombardy region, it will be a public hospital that serves national health care patients. The Fondazione Canali has had the honor of funding the 'Sartoria' and 'Golf' rooms.

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The Agevolando Association is a non-profit organization that seeks to develop self-sufficiency skills and provide training to youth at the end of their educational careers, who need assistance getting their footing in society.

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