From March to June 2020, in order to cope with the closures of facilities enforced by government regulations, the Fondazione Renato Piatti’s Autism Centres of Milan and Varese implemented a telerehabilitation project entitled “Toc Toc”, thanks to which tablets, PCs and smartphones were provided to those who did not have them and meetings and rehabilitation sessions were scheduled remotely. The project involved around 250 families and was very well received.

Since July 2020, the Centres have resumed in-person activities, but with major space and time constraints to comply with the appropriate health safeguards protocols. The “Toc Toc” project has therefore made a new leap forward in quality: the materials have been improved and customized to be used more easily and independently and a Fondazione Piatti brand telerehabilitation kit has been created, complete with functional cards and other specific materials made available to families through an online platform.

Thanks to this online kit, families will be able to more independently manage their children’s rehabilitation activities, while always benefiting from the support of the educators who have tailored them to their needs.

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Social Assistance


Soleterre ONLUS’ Lavoro è Cura project aims to support cancer patients and their caregivers in maintaining an active working and social life through support services tailored to their specific needs.

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