

The Centro Diurno Disabili Sottosopra ('Over-under Day Center for the Disabled') of Macherio is able to serve up to 15 people with grave multiple disabilities with ages ranging from 15 to 65. Over the years, the multi-disciplinary team of neuropsychiatrists, pyschologists, educators, music therapists, art therapists, psychomotrists, physical therapists, nurses and social workers have used an approach called 'Basal Stimulation', consisting of transmitting to the patients a range of sensations and experiences that develop relational growth and the well-being of the individual. Through visual, tactile and auditory stimuli, calibrated to the needs of each subject, attention, contact and self-awareness and of others have been found to improve.

The Multisensorial Room offers a range of luminous, musical, olfactory and tactile effects that involve all of the senses and that are personalized for each patient, allowing him or her to overcome or compensate for serious sensorial deficits. The set-up of the spaces involved offer the possibility of self-determination by supplying curious stimuli that encourage interaction with reality and with others.

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Medical research


The genetic passport initiative was put in place to find the optimal method for treating genetic anomalies at more personalized level.

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